Thursday, April 5, 2012

Impressive New Tea Hits the Gift Basket Industry: Meet Tiesta Tea

Maybe its the bright packaging or the name that just catches my eye but this new brand of tea has me completely captivated.  Just the packaging alone attracts me but then, taste it and you'll quickly find that this product has an all around winning opportunity for the gift basket industry.  In addition to the tall slender tins show above, they also sell it in a free standing pillow pouch that will work perfectly in any gift basket design.  This fresh, new, hip brand is going to add value to your gift basket designs in a way you haven't experienced in a long time.

Visit them online at

1 comment:

  1. Fine teas are wonderful addition to a <a href=">Gourmet Basket</a> containing exotic foods. The best thing about gourmet gift baskets is that one can try a wide range of combinations and packaging, especially during an occasion like Christmas.
