Monday, March 28, 2011

03282011-2 Savarozza, New York

If you're looking to impress your customers with authentic delicacies, then Savarozza is the trick.  Their imported Italian tortas are one of the best cookies I've ever had.  The quality is amazing, the flavor even better and they're perfect in Italian dinner gift baskets, coffee gift baskets or just a general gourmet gift basket.  Available in singles or larger versions, they ship out of New York - no import fees, yeah!

Savarozza Inc.

03282011-1 Willa's Shortbread, Madison, TN

Key Lime meets shortbread and then we all scream for more!  Not only do these tasty, crisp cookies leave you wanting more, they'll do the same for your customers.  Willa's serves up a variety of their shortbread cookies but the key lime is by far my favorite.  Great in margarita gift baskets, summer gift baskets and an excellent thank you gift for one of your clients, they're packaged in a variety of different ways - ready to go.

Willa's Shortbread

Thursday, March 24, 2011

03242011-2 A Well Dressed Nut, Cliffside Park, New Jersey

What a delightful surprise to receive their sample pack today!  I spoke to Joan last week and was thrilled to hear these two ladies (Joan Kass and Lynn Street) started their own company.  They have a sincere passion for their product and I have to say, I'm quite impressed.  Not only does their product taste amazing, but the packaging is gorgeous.  Their rich colored labels will be perfect in gift baskets.  They keep it really simple - a small variety of flavors and sizes and they even sell a sample pack. 

We recommend you use these products in upscale gifts, corporate gift baskets and gift baskets for men. 
A Well Dressed Nut

03242011-1 Peppernuts, Spokane, Washington

Several weeks ago, Phil contacted me asking if he could ship me some samples of his product, Peppernuts.  I told him I'd be happy to give them a try but I don't like pepper.   The interesting part is that there isn't pepper or nuts in these darling, tasty ginger cookies.  Once I received them, I was an immediate fan.  The packaging is perfect for gift baskets, price points are right on target and the best part is the freshness of the products.  Our customers will love these!


Welcome to Debbie Q's New Gift Basket Product Review Blog!

So where do we put the product reviews that I do ever week?  Shouldn't they be public?  Sure!  Why not?  I hope you'll enjoy my new blog called, "Debbie Q's New Gift Basket Product Review Blog"! 

We've got a little backlog of products to review but we're starting with Peppernuts!  You'll see them in the next post.

If you have product you'd like reviewed, please contact The Gift Basket Association at  Please note that product reviews can take up to two weeks.  Products sent must include pricing and terms for gift basket companies.  Debbie Quintana will provide feedback on flavor, packaging, website and overall impression for use in the gift basket industry.  You might even make it in her magazine, Trends & Tips Gift Basket Magazine!